0 INCRASEBUX Terms of Service

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1.1. You may read the forums and use them, except for private areas.

1.2. When registered and logged in, you can post new topics and answer in previously created ones in the Forum and you will be able to access the chat and the private messages.

1.3. You must respect other users in all of these areas under the penalty of being banned from Incrasebux if you don't.

1.4. You may not be rascist/sexist or abusive to our members. You have the right to express yourself without offending other users.

1.5. All kinds of publicity, attempts to get referrals and money exchange/requests are prohibited in Forum posts/topics, the Chat and in private messages. Spamming the forums, chat and private messages with nonsense posts/messages is also prohibited.

1.6. Any accusation without proof, intimidation or threat against Incrasebux and / or Incrasebux staff will be seen as disrespectful and may lead to the removal of the privilege of using the Forum, Chat and private messages as well as the permanent suspension of your Incrasebux account or the temporary suspension of membership.

1.7. Posting topics or messages that may directly or indirectly be prejudicial to Incrasebux, its users, sponsors or service providers will be considered and offense and are strictly prohibited.


2.1. As your password must be kept secret from others, we store it in an irreversible format. In the unlikely event of someone hacking into your account, we will not be held responsible. When you request your password, we will send you a new one to your email.

2.2. You can only have one account. Any attempt to create more than one account will lead to the termination of all of them.

2.3. You may refer other people in your household but only ONE member PER computer and IP. However, they must have a valid unique e-mail address and valid unique Alertpay/Paypal address/account to register with our program.

2.4. Your email addresses will not be shown, given or sold.

2.5. Accounts can not be sold, or passed on to another person other than the creator.

2.6. We will not modify your account unless requested.


3.1. You may refer as many people as you want.

3.2. The amount of direct referrals is limited based on the referrer's membership/packs. The users can see the limit in the direct referrals listing page..

3.3. Any spamming will cause your account to be suspended.

3.4. The clicks you earn from referrals are directly related to the clicks you make. You only receive clicks from your direct/rented referrals if you click 5 ads for Standard member or 9 ads for Premium member These calculations are based on the server time which can be seen in the ´View Advertisements´ page.

3.5. You only earn from your direct/Rented referrals.

3.6. You can only Rent referrals when they are available.

3.7. Referrals are rented for a certain period of time, and will be recycled when the time is over.

3.8. A referral will never be able to modify the member who referred him.


4.1. Do not attempt to cheat, you will be suspended and no refunds will be given.

4.2. Do not attempt to edit information through hacking, you will not succeed. When you request payout, our monitoring system will analyze your actions and take its own actions in return. Normally, attempts to hack the system will result in account termination.

4.3. If your account is terminated, we may decide to pursue further action.


5.1. All payments will be made via AlertPay or PayPal. No other method of payment is available at this time.

5.2. All payments will be made instantly (for upgraded members) upon request or after 30 business days (Standard members).

5.3. The minimum cashout is $2 for 1st payment, 2nd payment $5, 3th payment $7, 4th and all others payments $10

5.4. You may only request one payment at a time.

5.5. All issues caused by payment processors are not our fault.

5.6. We will pay to the payment address on your account.

5.7. We can decline any payments of user suspected of cheating.

5.8. User has to click 100 ads before requesting payment.

5.9. Chinese members with direct referrals only receive payments if upgrade account, Chinese members without direct referrals get payments like other members.

5.10. Click Here to read Cashout Rules.


6.1. We accept any kind of advertisement except for pages that break out of frames, have malicious code, redirect to another page, have adult or illegal content.

6.2. Users can view ads every 24 hours.

6.3. We reserve the right to deny any advertisement that we do not see fit to be displayed.

7. PAYMENTS TO Incrasebux

7.1. All payments are to be made using the links available at 'your account'. No other method of payment will be accepted.

7.2. All payments are non-refundable.

7.3. Payments made to Incrasebux using AlertPay are confirmed by your AlertPay email. Any payment made by another AlertPay email address will be referenced to the user that holds that account or, in the lack of a user, the payment will not be referenced.

7.4. Payments made to Incrasebux using PayPal are only accepted from verified PayPal accounts. Payments made using unverified PayPal accounts won't be accepted.

7.5. Any attempts to chargeback or refund will end with your account suspension.


8.1. We have the right to suspend your account at any time for any valid reason including, but not limited to, the disrespect of our Terms of Service.

8.2.All suspended accounts will have all their balances reset, all pending payments are canceled, all associated referrals taken away and no refunds will be given.

8.3. All suspended accounts will be archived and you cannot register using the same username or email addresses.

8.4. After 15 days of inactivity, your account will be temporarily suspended and permanently suspended after 45 days of inactivity. An inactive user for 72 hours after registration will have the account permanently suspended.


9.1. Incrasebux will not be liable for any kind of delays or failures that are not directly related to Incrasebux and therefore beyond our control.

9.2. Incrasebux reserves the right to alter the Terms of Service at any time, including fees, special offers, benefits and rules, amongst others, and also reserves the right to cancel its services any time and without any notice.

9.3. Incrasebux will not be held responsible for any of its users or advertisers. This also includes every supplier we depend on.

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mmo-vn.com rất mong đón nhận các ý kiến đóng góp của bạn, tuy nhiên cảm phiền các bạn xem qua một số nội dung sau đây trước khi comment:
Điều 1.Nội dung nhận xét của bạn phải liên quan tới chủ đề bài viết.
Điều 2.Các bài nhận xét phải nghiêm túc, không dung tục, không spam, không mang ý nghĩa dèm pha, đả kích mang tính tiêu cực.
Điều 3.Bạn cần điền ít nhất là thông tin tên hoặc biệt danh của bạn, tuyệt đối không sử dụng ẨN DANH để đăng nhận xét, nếu bạn dùng ẨN DANH thì nhận xét của bạn sẽ được xóa trong vòng 24h.
Gửi lời chúc sức khỏe và thành công đến bạn. Một lần nữa cảm ơn sự ghé thăm

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